Designers Speccing Wireless Charging in Offices – 5 Reason Why

Designers Speccing Wireless Charging in Offices – 5 Reason Why

The present workforce is getting more mobile and it remains no doubt that smartphones have become core to the business. Considering the latest trends, getting connected with more power has extremely important for the employees.

Ironically, the battery life in the smartphones is getting worse and as per the reports that came in 2016, the average battery life of mobile phones has degraded by 7%. Even after applying different measures like turning Bluetooth, GPS, notifications, Wi-Fi off, minimizing brightness and lot more, it hardly made any change. One of the best ways to fix the power issues is to increase the availability of the power.

And there could be nothing more effective than going for wireless charging. In its initial years, it was considered as a niche technology and was only used in the tech-forward spaces. But now the scenario has been changed and it is being used for everything. Designers are placing them in the offices and there are some great benefits to it. Check out the post to learn about them.

The present workforce is getting more mobile and it remains no doubt that smartphones have become core to the business. Considering the latest trends, getting connected with more power has extremely important for the employees.

Ironically, the battery life in the smartphones is getting worse and as per the reports that came in 2016, the average battery life of mobile phones has degraded by 7%. Even after applying different measures like turning Bluetooth, GPS, notifications, Wi-Fi off, minimizing brightness and lot more, it hardly made any change. One of the best ways to fix the power issues is to increase the availability of the power.

And there could be nothing more effective than going for wireless charging. In its initial years, it was considered as a niche technology and was only used in the tech-forward spaces. But now the scenario has been changed and it is being used for everything. Designers are placing them in the offices and there are some great benefits to it. Check out the post to learn about them.

  1. The Alternate will Just Deteriorate the Overall Design and its Aesthetics

Which one do clients prefer the most? You better have the answer.

  1. Wireless Charging Offers Mobile and Flexible Workforce

In one of the reports in 2016, it was stated that the top-performers were having access to and at the same time they were using a greater variety of workspaces both in and out of their office. Wireless charging enables an executive to get rid of the regular hassles of managing charging cables. This is not yet, the technology can also be incorporated into most of the spaces as well as surfaces and thus offering more choice, freedom, and flexibility to the employees working there.

  1. Traditional Options Are Unable to Resolve the Issue

Many of us have noticed that offices have USB or power outlets in the center of the conference tables (better known as the raceway). The most common scenario is that most of the people are unable to use them as they need to carry their charger to the meeting. And most importantly finding the power cord close to the seat often becomes a complication.

But here comes the usefulness of wireless technology. Each and every seat will be placed with a wireless charger and clients just have to place their phones on the same. Study reports have revealed that an accurate placement of the wireless charging drives the maximum amount of battery life for the clients.

  1. Business Partners and Visitors will Just Love it

It remains no doubt in saying that wireless technology adds more value to the overall system. In most of the corporate offices, employees are required to experience 5 plus hours of work every week through their phones, thus it becomes a necessity to keep the devices charged. Evidently, for most of the clients this technology just makes sense and overall it has got more than 95% of approval ratings.

  1. It Makes the Workstation Future Proof

In next few years, the technology discussed so far will become a must in most of the office premises and will turn out to be standard for mobile power. Most of the smartphone manufacturing companies are integrating the same technology into their devices and they push towards a wire-free world.

Hopefully, the pointers will make some changes and the businesses will get the wireless charger in the conference or client facing rooms so that they have a pleasant experience. It will be loved by the clients for sure.


Author Bio – Tom Clark is a reputed author, who writes engaging articles on web design and development. His primary aim is to inform the readers about the diverse digital marketing trends that are emerging every now and then. In addition, he also provides valuable tips to amateur entrepreneurs on building alluring and highly functional websites


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