Most British parents still prefer their children to be taught within the four walls of the classroom. Indeed, the classroom setting remains to be the standard in which every child’s education is built. However, today’s children and teens enrolled in schools have been dealing with a lot of things, most of which result in their struggles with their studies. Of course, peer pressure can’t be left out, as well as the need to meet certain deadlines on tight schedules. Bullying has become a hot button issue in many school systems in the country.
All things considered, we have a classroom setting that fails to put into account the need to provide every child in the class the attention that they need in order to excel. Indeed, pupils can’t be to blame if they struggle with their studies. This is why other educational alternatives have emerged over the course of time to allow schooling children and teens to not just know what they need to know, but be afforded the attention required for them to really focus on their studies. One of these models is home tutoring.
Home tutoring does not necessarily replace the classroom setting, but it mainly serves as a supplement to a child or teen’s learning. For the most part, as mentioned by teacher training courses Dubai experts, home tutoring focuses on an individualized program that is designed to address the certain needs of struggling pupils, tackling on subject areas they find difficult to understand. While the purpose of home tutoring is mostly remedial, some utilize the concept as a way for some students to learn in advance certain materials that are yet to be taught in the classroom setting. Some even use home tutoring as an integral part of homeschooling, where children start their educational foundation outside of the typical classroom setting.
Home tutoring is beneficial in many ways, and here are some of them:
- Through an individualized teaching method, students are afforded attention. In the realm of employment, newly-hired employees get to be trained and mentored by someone who is more experienced than them during their first few months with the company. For the most part, the training phase is individualized. That is what basically home tutoring is about; a student struggling in math is able to work one-on-one with his or her tutor, who fully focuses on the needs of his or her student in that particular subject area.
- Through home tutoring, a student gets a chance to ask questions, which he or she does not get to do in the classroom setting. Students always fear raising their hands to ask questions in class, worrying that their queries would be deemed as “stupid.” Home tutoring erases such fears away. Clearing out anything that students don’t understand with regards the subject matter would help them improve, as well as increase their knowledge in the long run.
- Through home tutoring, a student is able to harness his or her skills when it comes to studying. A tutor can help the student discover and maintain the method of learning that would help him or her understand the subject matter better. Knowing that every student is unique in terms of their learning methods, students get to understand clearly the subject matter they have difficulty learning when it is taught in a different manner.
Home tutoring in Dubai will definitely help your child catch up with the subjects that he or she may have a hard time following in school. If you need a tutor for your child, make sure that you only hire someone who has undergone proper teacher training courses Dubai. Simply put, with the help of a home tutor, your child will achieve and do more in school, empowering his or her academic and social skills as well.