Benefits you can cash in from a bulk SMS service

Benefits you can cash in from a bulk SMS service

For a small or medium sized business bulk SMS provides a unique opportunity to market their services or products. At a low cost you can opt for a bulk SMS provider in Delhi NCR region, but just ensure that they are reliable. A proven track record would make it easy to choose a bulk SMS provider in Delhi with relative ease. Let us now explore some of the benefits of bulk SMS

Higher conversion and even open rate

When you compare it to other marketing forms, SMS has a higher open rate. The moment you send out a message it is read with 10 minutes. On the other hand most emails make its way on to the spam box.

At the same time you get a higher conversion rate rather than any other marketing forms. In spite of many message apps being in the market, people still prefer choice of SMS as a communication tool. With B2B conversion rate is on the higher side than any other marketing forms.


There is no rocket science involved and you do not need a PHD degree to send out messages. Just about anyone who has a mobile can opt for SMS. If you are exploring option of sending out bulk SMS to your clients, then mobile is not a worthy choice. Something more effective or reliable is needed at this juncture.  It is always easy to get in touch with a SMS health care provider.


Bulk SMS is inexpensive and economical in comparison to other marketing modules. In comparison to traditional forms of advertisement like TV or paper it proves to be cost effective.

Easy reach

Even a simple handset in the market is incorporated with SMS features. To access features of SMS you do not need any internet connection. The best feature of a bulk SMS is that dependency levels are less. This means that you can reach out to more customers than any other platform.

Wider appeal

In the world there are more than 4.77 billion mobile users which is a huge volume. People have adapted a liking to SMS form of communication that other marketing forms. What you can do with SMS very few marketing forms help to achieve the same.


In order to access an email you need to log on to the internet and then operate an email. Other advertisement sources demand a lot of money that is not the case with SMS. Not only valuable time is saved, but in the process you save money. What more nearly 98 % of the masses read SMS within the first 10 minutes.


If the need arises you can personalize your SMS as well.  This is based on the age along with demographics. Based on purchase patterns of a customer you can send out SMS as well. A customer greats a feeling of being welcome to a company when they are addressed by their name.

In terms of marketing SMS is the present and the future.