Why you should have a bike accident lawyer

Why you should have a bike accident lawyer

Accidents of varying severity frequently happen on the roadways, but they can be especially bad if a bicycle is involved. Dangerous or negligent drivers are most often the cause of bicycle accidents. Accidents can cause multiple, traumatic injuries for the bicycle rider and also may cause damage to the bicycle. Injured victims can file a lawsuit to claim compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages and damage caused to the bicycle.

Krasney law in California offers the best staff to help clients who have experienced accidents as a result of careless drivers. The firm consists of a team of qualified and devoted staff that works round the clock to get the most in monetary damages from insurance firms or negligent drivers.

Bicycles provide little to no protection to a rider. Thus, in case of a bicycle accident vs. automobile accident, serious injuries or even death usually happen to the bicyclist, not the driver. Negligence by motorists is typically the reason for accidents, and it may be caused by:

  • Drunken driving
  • Reckless driving, e.g., a truck driver is driving in the bicycle lane
  • Distracted driving, for example, texting while driving
  • Ignoring traffic rules and running lights

If an individual is injured by an vehicle while riding a bicycle, Krasney law is the paramount firm to consult in California. The firm’s lawyers and staff are well-versed and able to prove negligence and ensure a client is adequately compensated for his injuries and ordeal. Its workforce includes investigators who find out what took place during the accident talking to witnesses and the victims. Together with the attorneys, they make it easier for the client to file a lawsuit that obtain payment from the insurance company. The firm knows how to handle insurance companies and get their clients even better compensation than they expected.

The best ways to handle a bicycle accident

What an individual needs to do

It is essential to call the police and report the accident. After this, at home, one should record a statement that only his lawyer should hear on the damages, injuries or deaths caused. At the scene, note the badge numbers and names of officers, and after a couple of weeks pick up the accident report from them. Take photographs of license plate numbers, driver’s licenses, injuries and damage to the vehicles. Also, get names and contact information of witnesses and passengers so your attorney or insurance company can gather adequate evidence. The witnesses’ and passengers’ version of the accident is also important to note down when it’s fresh in their minds.

What an individual shouldn’t do

  • Don’t record a report to any insurance companies.
  • Consult Krasney Law before speaking to the other party’s representative, i.e., an insurance firm. It helps in averting cases of the defendant taking advantage of the situation.
  • Never admit to causing the accident. The less you say at the accident scene or to anyone but your lawyer, the better.

After following the do’s and don’ts the victim together with the attorneys can build a lawsuit. The information collected from the people involved in the accident and those at the scene can bolster an injured person’s case. The injured party or plaintiff should be careful about revealing anything revealed to the defendant’s insurance company that may later be used against them. You could deemed the liable party if you make a mistake. Victims’ actions after the accident are crucial in determining the severity of the case. For example, don’t play basketball and brag about it on social media.

The injured person should head home and contact their insurance firm. Inform them about the incident and provide a correct explanation to prevent any irregularities that may prevent compensation. Medical treatments should be recorded and a financial tally kept, including for prescribed drugs. Record the emotional pain and suffering and the activities, e.g. work, affected by the accident.

Using the information and the photographs acquired after the accident, the victim should contact Krasney Law to assist and obtain compensation from the negligent drivers and insurance companies. As a result, the firm’s workforce investigates the incident and acquires information for the case. Once a settlement is reached, the firm provides the client with maximum compensation while charging contingency fees for their services. If Krasney Law agrees to take your case, they will get paid only if they win.