7 Things to Consider When Going Vegan

7 Things to Consider When Going Vegan

Did you know that as many as 6.5 million Americans identify as a vegan?

Veganism has a lot of benefits, and in some cases, it’s your only viable diet. But if you’re planning on going meat-free, you must know some things before making the Underwater Photo jump. Otherwise, you might end up having a bad experience.

But don’t fret, we’re here to break it down for you, including factors to consider before going vegan. This ensures you’ll know what you’re committing to. Read on and find out more:

1. You’ll Need Supplements

If you’re vegan, you must take some Vitamin B12, D2/D3, and omega-3 supplements. To ensure you receive a good amount of Vitamin B12, you must fortify your vegan sources. This applies to Vitamin D since you can’t stand for 15 minutes under direct sunlight every day because of UV radiation.

Omega-3s have two types: Essential (ALA) and long-chain (EPA and DHA). The former is easy to find, as long as you eat flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and soybeans. The latter is harder because they come from fish oil, so you must substitute it with algae oil to ensure your brain health.

You must also think about iron, iodine, calcium, and zinc. The good news is that most plant-based foods have these nutrients. It mostly depends on your restrictions, but you can look at more resources online if you aren’t keen on supplements.

Check out this vegan multi product for more supplements. It’s an especially great choice for women aiming to maintain their vegan diet each month.

2. You Can Get Enough Protein

Most people who go vegan feel afraid that they won’t get enough protein. The worst part is that they think veganism equates to lost muscle mass and weakness. This is wrong since you have lots of vegetable-based protein sources.

Seitan is vegan food made from wheat protein, packing 25 grams per 3.5oz. You can also subsist in soybeans, tofu, and tempeh to get 10 to 19g per 3.5oz. As for lentils, you’ll get 18g of protein for each cooked cup.

The list of vegan-friendly protein sources can go on. That’s why when you feel discouraged about veganism because of protein concerns, don’t be. You won’t miss out on any protein since you have lots of substitutes.

3. You’ll Get Lots of Questions and Unwanted Advice

This is one of the most annoying things you’ll encounter as you become vegan. Your friends, family, and even strangers will have an opinion about your decision. They will most likely ask about whether you’re getting enough protein or strength.

Depending on your temperament, explaining the answer in long, mundane detail could be satisfying. Especially once you watch the sparkle of humor in their eyes become dull and go out. At this point, they will most likely regret bringing it up.

Again, this is a matter of preference. You can do your best to educate your loved ones and change their minds. Saying nothing at all is also a viable choice. Regardless, all you must think about is your mental welfare.

4. Vegan Diets Aren’t as Expensive

The price of meat, poultry, and dairy products has skyrocketed lately. Meanwhile, the vegetables remain relatively cheap. That’s why when people tell you that veganism is expensive, tell them the price difference between the two food groups.

Regardless, the cheapness of this diet depends on ingenuity. If you opt to get ready-to-eat vegan gourmet foods, then yes, it’s expensive. The best part of veganism is discovering new ways of cooking vegetables.

5. Never Go All-In at Once

When switching to veganism, it’s always a nice thought to go all-in while your resolve is hot. But the realistic scenario is that you’ll always have cravings at the beginning. It’s because you must put in lots of effort to change your habits.

To do this, you must adjust your nutrient intake. Make your diet change manageable by cutting things out gradually. This makes the lifestyle change more tangible instead of considering it as a fad.

6. Watch Out for Junk Food and Soy

Vegan food doesn’t always equate to health. If you’re being technical, know that Oreos are vegan food, as well as Fritos and lots of sweets. That’s why when you switch to a vegan diet, you must be careful of junk food.

Never stuff your pantry full of these junk foods, even when you’re treating yourself. Always pick a single type and consume in moderation. Do this like how you would if you’re eating meat.

Your vegan diet goes beyond a cart of processed junk food. No diet type is healthy with ungodly amounts of sweets, chips, and other snacks.

The same goes for soy products. It’s because you must consume this type of milk in moderation. Soy has isoflavones, similar to estrogens that might interfere with thyroid medication.

Also, adding more estrogen-like hormones to your diet will increase your risk of getting breast cancer. It applies best when your family has a history of having this ailment. Regardless, an acceptable amount is a single serving of soy each day.

7. The Vegan Experience Isn’t Limiting

Veganism isn’t all about suppressing yourself. Think of it as a challenge, an opportunity to be creative with your food while you work toward a healthier lifestyle. This means you need not cut things out, but rather shift things to get new favorite flavors.

That’s why you must never give up on the joy of eating outside. Lots of outlets cater to vegans exclusively, so search them online. An alternative is to make your old favorite restaurant work, especially now that most chefs will have vegan options because of the rising popularity of veganism.

If you can find vegan alternatives on your favorite menu, your life will be richer because of it.

Start Going Vegan Today!

These are some things you must consider before going vegan. It’s a tremendous task, but believe in yourself and be steadfast. Never forget about taking multi-vitamins, though.

But why stop here when you can also learn about the right diet plans to follow, exercise routines, and other healthy diet options? Don’t stop learning. Consider reading our other posts to develop healthier habits right here, today.